10.03.2004 1671 W Lowing is on Capt. Bowman's Tithtables. Accomack County, VA. From Here We feel that Richard and Ruth Bundick moved to Sussex County, Pennsylvania
(DE) in 1680 from Accomack County, Virginia. Richard Bundick, Sr.
is consistently listed in Accomack County with two tithables.
In 1671 Richard is on Capt. Bowman's list. The list starts
with German Gillett, John Stockley, Wm Hickmer, Richd Bundick, John Sturgis,
Wm Marshall, Thomas Lamkin, W. Lowing, Charles Ratcliff, Wm Kennett, Wm
Collins, John Bagwell, James Walker, Henry Williams, and Thomas Bagwell.
Also on the list is Wm Burton, who purchased land from John and Thomas
Jones, and John Prittiman (Prettyman), whose son, John, moved to Sussex
County in the 1690s. Other surnames listed as tithables in
1671 that were later in Sussex County were Cary, Darby, Drumond, Himnan,
Leatherberry, Marriner, Marvel, Nock, Parrimore, Revell, Rickards,
and Sheppard. Richard Bundick is not on the 1681 Accomack Co.
Tithables list. Further evidence that the Bundicks moved to
Sussex County in 1680 is that in 1680 Richard and Ruth sold to John Bames
300 acres, which was the remaining part of Richard's 1664 Patent for 1400
acres on Long Love Branch and Arcadia Creek in Accomack Countyl3 Today
Arcadia Creek is listed on maps as Bundick's Creek, and is south of Gargatha,
VA. On 3 Jan. 1680/81 Richard Bundick had surveyed 1200 acres of
land called "Arcadia". Arcadia was located noit of St. George's
Chapel, and bordering on the southside of Loves Creek. Richard also
had a case against Cornelius Johnson on "Ffebruary 14th, 1681/3." The Bundick's
were in present Sussex County by 28 July 1681 if the Grace Bundock who
married Art Johnson van Kirk on that date was the daughter of Richard Bundick.
Richard Bundick died between 1 March 1692 & 5 September 1694, and we
feel Ruth Gulledge Bundick died by 5 September 1694.
posted by Trevor Lowing