05.09.2010 History of the Lowing Family in Michigan In memory of Bruce Sheridan Lowing: June 19,1941-August 29, 1993.
Dear Cousin:
The family histories contained in the following pages are a result of many years of work by the Lowing Book Committee as well as Bruce Lowing and Louise Jarvis. We have attempted to be as accurate as possible with the information we had at our disposal. If there are errors, and we imagine there must be some, we are sorry, they certainly were not intentional. In some cases the written material on some individuals is shorter than others; this is a result of a lack of material made available to us.
Much of the material used on our early ancestors was obtained from the book "Lowing Family History," published in 1922 and written by Frank C. Lowing . If it had been necessary for us to start without this early history, ours would have been an impossible task.
You will note that we have taken each of Isaac Lowing's children in chronological order and completed that lineage before proceeding to the next child in line, this should enable you to follow your family tree with a minimum of page navigation.
We hope you will find the book interesting and that future generations will continue to update this or a similar book in the years to come.
Lowing Book Committee
posted by Trevor Lowing